# es/no-unicode-codepoint-escapes

disallow Unicode code point escape sequences

  • ✅ The following configurations enable this rule: plugin:es/no-new-in-es2015, plugin:es/restrict-to-es3, and plugin:es/restrict-to-es5
  • 🔧 The --fix option on the command line (opens new window) can automatically fix some of the problems reported by this rule.

This rule reports ES2015 Unicode code point escape sequences as errors.

# Examples

⛔ Examples of incorrect code for this rule:

/*eslint es/no-unicode-codepoint-escapes: error */ const a\u{31} = `foo` const a2 = "a\u{62}b"
Now loading...

👌 Examples of correct code for this rule:

/*eslint es/no-unicode-codepoint-escapes: error */ const a\u0031 = `foo` const a2 = "a\u0062b"
Now loading...

# 📚 References