# Available Rules
This plugin provides the following rules.
- 🔧 mark means that the
option on the command line (opens new window) can automatically fix some of the problems reported by the rule.
# ES2021
There is a config that enables the rules in this category: plugin:es/no-new-in-esnext
Rule ID | Description | |
es/no-logical-assignment-operators | disallow logical assignment operators. | 🔧 |
es/no-numeric-separators | disallow numeric separators. | 🔧 |
es/no-promise-any | disallow Promise.any function and AggregateError class. | |
es/no-string-prototype-replaceall | disallow the String.prototype.replaceAll method. | |
es/no-weakrefs | disallow the WeakRef and FinalizationRegistry class. |
# ES2020
There are multiple configs that enable all rules in this category: plugin:es/no-new-in-es2020
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es3
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es5
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es2015
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es2016
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es2017
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es2018
, and plugin:es/restrict-to-es2019
Rule ID | Description | |
es/no-bigint | disallow bigint syntax and built-ins. | |
es/no-dynamic-import | disallow import() syntax. | |
es/no-export-ns-from | disallow export * as ns . | |
es/no-global-this | disallow the globalThis variable. | |
es/no-import-meta | disallow import.meta meta property. | |
es/no-nullish-coalescing-operators | disallow nullish coalescing operators. | |
es/no-optional-chaining | disallow optional chaining. | |
es/no-promise-all-settled | disallow Promise.allSettled function. | |
es/no-string-prototype-matchall | disallow the String.prototype.matchAll method. |
# ES2019
There are multiple configs that enable all rules in this category: plugin:es/no-new-in-es2019
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es3
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es5
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es2015
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es2016
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es2017
, and plugin:es/restrict-to-es2018
Rule ID | Description | |
es/no-array-prototype-flat | disallow the Array.prototype.{flat,flatMap} method. | |
es/no-json-superset | disallow \u2028 and \u2029 in string literals. | 🔧 |
es/no-object-fromentries | disallow the Object.fromEntries method. | |
es/no-optional-catch-binding | disallow optional catch binding. | |
es/no-regexp-unicode-property-escapes-2019 | disallow the new values of RegExp Unicode property escape sequences in ES2019. | |
es/no-string-prototype-trimstart-trimend | disallow the String.prototype.{trimStart,trimEnd} methods. | |
es/no-symbol-prototype-description | disallow the Symbol.prototype.description property. |
# ES2018
There are multiple configs that enable all rules in this category: plugin:es/no-new-in-es2018
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es3
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es5
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es2015
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es2016
, and plugin:es/restrict-to-es2017
Rule ID | Description | |
es/no-async-iteration | disallow async iteration. | |
es/no-malformed-template-literals | disallow template literals with invalid escape sequences. | |
es/no-promise-prototype-finally | disallow the Promise.prototype.finally method. | |
es/no-regexp-lookbehind-assertions | disallow RegExp lookbehind assertions. | |
es/no-regexp-named-capture-groups | disallow RegExp named capture groups. | |
es/no-regexp-s-flag | disallow RegExp s flag. | |
es/no-regexp-unicode-property-escapes | disallow RegExp Unicode property escape sequences. | |
es/no-rest-spread-properties | disallow rest/spread properties. |
# ES2017
There are multiple configs that enable all rules in this category: plugin:es/no-new-in-es2017
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es3
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es5
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es2015
, and plugin:es/restrict-to-es2016
Rule ID | Description | |
es/no-async-functions | disallow async function declarations. | |
es/no-atomics | disallow the Atomics class. | |
es/no-object-entries | disallow the Object.entries method. | |
es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptors | disallow the Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors method. | |
es/no-object-values | disallow the Object.values method. | |
es/no-shared-array-buffer | disallow the SharedArrayBuffer class. | |
es/no-string-prototype-padstart-padend | disallow the String.prototype.{padStart,padEnd} methods. | |
es/no-trailing-function-commas | disallow trailing commas in parameter/argument lists. | 🔧 |
# ES2016
There are multiple configs that enable all rules in this category: plugin:es/no-new-in-es2016
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es3
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es5
, and plugin:es/restrict-to-es2015
Rule ID | Description | |
es/no-array-prototype-includes | disallow the Array.prototype.includes method. | |
es/no-exponential-operators | disallow exponential operators. |
# ES2015
There are multiple configs that enable all rules in this category: plugin:es/no-new-in-es2015
, plugin:es/restrict-to-es3
, and plugin:es/restrict-to-es5
Rule ID | Description | |
es/no-array-from | disallow the Array.from method. | |
es/no-array-of | disallow the Array.of method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-copywithin | disallow the Array.prototype.copyWithin method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-entries | disallow the Array.prototype.entries method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-fill | disallow the Array.prototype.fill method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-find | disallow the Array.prototype.find method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-findindex | disallow the Array.prototype.findIndex method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-keys | disallow the Array.prototype.keys method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-values | disallow the Array.prototype.values method. | |
es/no-arrow-functions | disallow arrow function expressions. | 🔧 |
es/no-binary-numeric-literals | disallow binary numeric literals. | |
es/no-block-scoped-functions | disallow block-scoped function declarations. | |
es/no-block-scoped-variables | disallow block-scoped variable declarations. | |
es/no-classes | disallow class declarations. | |
es/no-computed-properties | disallow computed properties. | |
es/no-default-parameters | disallow default parameters. | |
es/no-destructuring | disallow destructuring. | |
es/no-for-of-loops | disallow for-of statements. | |
es/no-generators | disallow generator function declarations. | |
es/no-map | disallow the Map class. | |
es/no-math-acosh | disallow the Math.acosh method. | |
es/no-math-asinh | disallow the Math.asinh method. | |
es/no-math-atanh | disallow the Math.atanh method. | |
es/no-math-cbrt | disallow the Math.cbrt method. | |
es/no-math-clz32 | disallow the Math.clz32 method. | |
es/no-math-cosh | disallow the Math.cosh method. | |
es/no-math-expm1 | disallow the Math.expm1 method. | |
es/no-math-fround | disallow the Math.fround method. | |
es/no-math-hypot | disallow the Math.hypot method. | |
es/no-math-imul | disallow the Math.imul method. | |
es/no-math-log10 | disallow the Math.log10 method. | |
es/no-math-log1p | disallow the Math.log1p method. | |
es/no-math-log2 | disallow the Math.log2 method. | |
es/no-math-sign | disallow the Math.sign method. | |
es/no-math-sinh | disallow the Math.sinh method. | |
es/no-math-tanh | disallow the Math.tanh method. | |
es/no-math-trunc | disallow the Math.trunc method. | |
es/no-modules | disallow modules. | |
es/no-new-target | disallow new.target meta property. | |
es/no-number-epsilon | disallow the Number.EPSILON property. | |
es/no-number-isfinite | disallow the Number.isFinite method. | |
es/no-number-isinteger | disallow the Number.isInteger method. | |
es/no-number-isnan | disallow the Number.isNaN method. | |
es/no-number-issafeinteger | disallow the Number.isSafeInteger method. | |
es/no-number-maxsafeinteger | disallow the Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER property. | |
es/no-number-minsafeinteger | disallow the Number.MIN_SAFE_INTEGER property. | |
es/no-number-parsefloat | disallow the Number.parseFloat method. | |
es/no-number-parseint | disallow the Number.parseInt method. | |
es/no-object-assign | disallow the Object.assign method. | |
es/no-object-getownpropertysymbols | disallow the Object.getOwnPropertySymbols method. | |
es/no-object-is | disallow the Object.is method. | |
es/no-object-setprototypeof | disallow the Object.setPrototypeOf method. | |
es/no-object-super-properties | disallow super property accesses in object literals. | |
es/no-octal-numeric-literals | disallow octal numeric literals. | |
es/no-promise | disallow the Promise class. | |
es/no-property-shorthands | disallow property shorthands. | 🔧 |
es/no-proxy | disallow the Proxy class. | |
es/no-reflect | disallow the Reflect class. | |
es/no-regexp-prototype-flags | disallow the RegExp.prototype.flags property. | |
es/no-regexp-u-flag | disallow RegExp u flag. | |
es/no-regexp-y-flag | disallow RegExp y flag. | |
es/no-rest-parameters | disallow rest parameters. | |
es/no-set | disallow the Set class. | |
es/no-spread-elements | disallow spread elements. | |
es/no-string-fromcodepoint | disallow the String.fromCodePoint method. | |
es/no-string-prototype-codepointat | disallow the String.prototype.codePointAt method. | |
es/no-string-prototype-endswith | disallow the String.prototype.endsWith method. | |
es/no-string-prototype-includes | disallow the String.prototype.includes method. | |
es/no-string-prototype-normalize | disallow the String.prototype.normalize method. | |
es/no-string-prototype-repeat | disallow the String.prototype.repeat method. | |
es/no-string-prototype-startswith | disallow the String.prototype.startsWith method. | |
es/no-string-raw | disallow the String.raw method. | |
es/no-subclassing-builtins | disallow the subclassing of the built-in classes. | |
es/no-symbol | disallow the Symbol class. | |
es/no-template-literals | disallow template literals. | 🔧 |
es/no-typed-arrays | disallow ES2015 typed arrays. | |
es/no-unicode-codepoint-escapes | disallow Unicode code point escape sequences. | 🔧 |
es/no-weak-map | disallow the WeakMap class. | |
es/no-weak-set | disallow the WeakSet class. |
# ES5
There are multiple configs that enable all rules in this category: plugin:es/no-new-in-es5
and plugin:es/restrict-to-es3
Rule ID | Description | |
es/no-accessor-properties | disallow accessor properties. | |
es/no-array-isarray | disallow the Array.isArray method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-every | disallow the Array.prototype.every method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-filter | disallow the Array.prototype.filter method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-foreach | disallow the Array.prototype.forEach method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-indexof | disallow the Array.prototype.indexOf method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-lastindexof | disallow the Array.prototype.lastIndexOf method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-map | disallow the Array.prototype.map method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-reduce | disallow the Array.prototype.reduce method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-reduceright | disallow the Array.prototype.reduceRight method. | |
es/no-array-prototype-some | disallow the Array.prototype.some method. | |
es/no-date-now | disallow the Date.now method. | |
es/no-json | disallow the JSON class. | |
es/no-keyword-properties | disallow reserved words as property names. | |
es/no-object-defineproperties | disallow the Object.defineProperties method. | |
es/no-object-defineproperty | disallow the Object.defineProperty method. | |
es/no-object-freeze | disallow the Object.freeze method. | |
es/no-object-getownpropertydescriptor | disallow the Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor method. | |
es/no-object-getownpropertynames | disallow the Object.getOwnPropertyNames method. | |
es/no-object-getprototypeof | disallow the Object.getPrototypeOf method. | |
es/no-object-isextensible | disallow the Object.isExtensible method. | |
es/no-object-isfrozen | disallow the Object.isFrozen method. | |
es/no-object-issealed | disallow the Object.isSealed method. | |
es/no-object-keys | disallow the Object.keys method. | |
es/no-object-preventextensions | disallow the Object.preventExtensions method. | |
es/no-object-seal | disallow the Object.seal method. | |
es/no-string-prototype-trim | disallow the String.prototype.trim method. | |
es/no-trailing-commas | disallow trailing commas in array/object literals. |